Breed Education is our passion!
We have compiled the most comprehensive collection of articles on the Tibetan Mastiff found anywhere on the internet. They are listed in the table below.
These are articles that we have written, sometimes in collaboration with other breed experts, and most have been previously
published in the AKC Gazette and/or the American Tibetan Mastiff Association Gazette.
We suggest that you take advantages of these resources FIRST if you are wanting to seriously research and learn about the breed.
If you have a limited amount of time to spend, please start with these two articles:
How to Pick a Breeder
Reasons to Say No
You are welcome to share our articles with others and ask that you use the following guidelines when sharing.
If you are sharing an article on line, please use the link to the article instead of downloading and posting the article.
If you print the articles to share, please do not alter the document and leave our logo at the top, our names as
the authors at the end of the article, and the copyright information.